Common Phrases and Idioms
Common Phrases and Idioms New idiomatic Expression in Hindi. Can we speak English fluently without these frequently spoken idiomatic expression? How ? Let's learn here. Common Phrases and Idioms Tense…
Common Phrases and Idioms New idiomatic Expression in Hindi. Can we speak English fluently without these frequently spoken idiomatic expression? How ? Let's learn here. Common Phrases and Idioms Tense…
What is a Gerund ? तीन easy ways है जिससे आपका Concept clear हो जाएगा। Gerund के बारे में अक्सर लोग नहीं जानते हैं, लेकिन मैं आपको बता दूं कि…
3 Comparison of Adjectives. Helpful degree to construct a sentences better. उदाहरण के साथ और degree of comparison का प्रयोग करना सीखें बस कुछ नियमों को रखें mind में। Comparison…
25 word having more than one meaning. Homonyms with examples. Homonyms : Word having more than one meaning आप चाहे जितनी भी English grammar (Modal Verbs, Verb, preposition, phrasal verbs,…
कभी कभी हम आम बोलचाल में भी phrasal verbs का इस्तेमाल करते हैं। इसे English में Idioms कहते हैं। आपने ध्यान दिया होगा कि कभी एक ही verb के पीछे…
50+ Wh Family Words. Best Tricks to memorize them. Can my English become fluent after knowing about them ? What are wh words and their meaning ? Why Wh Family…
One word substitution यह भी एक अच्छा तरीका है एक साथ multiple words याद करने का। जिससे की आपके Word vocabulary या learning new English words जैसे समस्या कुछ हद…
How to learn English quickly in 2022 There are many ways to learn English quickly, but the most effective way is to learn from a native speaker. Learning from a…
11+ Paired conjunctions. Most important linking words in English. It is impossible to communicate without correlative conjunctions in English. Do you know what are those ? Sentence connectors के बिना…
10 use of to in a sentence. Useful Preposition to in English grammar. To एक ऐसा preposition है जो सब से ज्यादा बोला और लिखा जाता है English में यह…